
This project was made similarly to the real game Battleship except you are versus a computer. As a submarine commander piloting your area, your task is to find and locate as many phis(ships) you can with your total of 40 torpedos in a given 6 x 15 cell area. There area total of 6 phis at varying sizes so hitting all of the phis makes nets you a total of 20 maximum points waiting to be collected.

My role in the project was to work with the behind the scenes also known as the count and display modules. The count module that count the number of hits made, how many torpedoes you have left, and the possible score you achieved. While the display module composed of creating the background that the phis are playing in and how the interface works.

Working on this project has the first time I was able to take the experience learned in my EE 160 class and be able to showcase it to my professor as a final project. This also has taught me the works of communicating properly as with so many different submodules, it makes the work more tedious so communication is key to being able to complete each module on time.