
Racquetball is composed of 3 different main modules known as Racquetball 0,1,2 respectively. The first version is a simplfied singler player game, while the 2nd and third version are more comlplex and recquires two players to play. Each game plays out like regular raxcquetball and consists of the use of LED lights in order to signal where the racquetball current location is and indicates whoes turn it is to swing.

As the leader for the project I took part in each of the modules as most of them were very dependent upon each other. We did encounter a lot of problems and debugging overall but was able to complete most of the project given some complications we had over the course of working on this project.

This project has really helped me gain a better understanding of how to run things in general as especially given the different types and amount of work provided for the project. As time started to run out for the project, we started to become more pressured and felt more stressed as we still needed to complete the last module which was the most difficult of the three.