The Struggle is Real

15 May 2020

Coding Life

Javascript is a great programming language for software engineers because it is a scripting language, which focuses more on code that controls the software application. Javascript can be used with a variety of applications, like cell phone applications and websites. I learned that there are a lot of things that can go into coding, like design patterns. These design patterns are solutions to problems that may occur over and over again, like bugs or errors that may occur in code. From design patterns, I learned that no matter how hard the errors can be, there is always multiple steps I can take to defeat them.

User interface frameworks can almost be as complicated as learning how to ride a bike as a toddler. As a beginner in creating websites, I learned that the Semantic UI frameworks can make it easier to organize code and websites. The UI Frameworks consists of styling classes, like containers and menus, that are built in their components. This allows users to easily implement their software without having to create long lines of code just for a menu. For example, there are icons built in the framework, like the pencil icon and even a Facebook logo icon. This makes it easier for programmers because they don’t have to go through the struggle of

The Struggle is Real

As an electrical engineer major, it was a different experience learning Javascript compared to the languages I have used C+ and Python. It was definitely a great experience learning how to build websites. I believe that design patterns are important for software engineers because it allows code to be more understandable. Since engineers usually work in teams, it is important that the whole team understands how to apply and implement their code properly. These patterns also make coding easy to understand. Since are discussing easily maintainable code, I think UI frameworks are also important because it allows programmers to simplify their code. Each component, like Menu, Container, etc., is specific to organize the section the programmer needs to make changes to.