The past week we just got into the start of learning HTML and CSS. And nothing is better than doing the FreeCodeCamps for them yay. Initially, looking at HTML especially the syntax seemed so bizarre to me as I rarely ever had to use <> in general and how everything is formatted seemed so different from what I am used to. I didn’t like it at first because its something I know I will have hard time at. But after working with the practice WODS and fiddling around with them, it was a really good introduction to the stages of web development. Although the websites were very basic and give off an early 2000’s website, it was really cool to see how I was able to build them at such a basic level at HTML. I messed around a lot with linking things in a website to other things which gave my brothers a good laugh when in browserhistory practice WOD, I linked each of the navigation bars to pictures of random blobfishes(I would of loved to turn them in like this but I prefer getting grade on my assignments). This was only the beginning of web development as it soon began to take it up a notch.
The following week we dove into the world of Semantic UI. I thought HTML and CSS were pretty basic but this was a complete changer. Semantic UI opened a bigger hole to the amount of variety we able to create in web development. After going through some basic tutorials and watching videos about it, I am a bit on a netural on Semantic UI. Some cases makes total sense and cool such as a dropdown menu. It was pretty easy to follow through how it is created but on the other, some still don’t make full sense no matter how much I watch videos and read about them such as text/image overlays. The numerous amount of variety may also be a factor of how some of these topics were a bit difficult for me to tackle through but working with Semantic UI takes such an interesting approach especially when trying to replicate a website.
UI Framework provide a variety of uses and applications especially for software engineering. Being able to replicate websites can be very useful for future projects and more as if you see a website you like, you are able to recreate it for yourself and future purposes. Even if this can’t directly help me in my field of electrical engineering, it is still a very usefull skill to possess and its a common saying, knowledge is power. The amount of time and fustration in order to replicate websites is worth the skills learned from creating them. They can possess a higher skill ceiling compared to what HTML and CSS can offer.